Fanfare For The Common Man / America / Blue Rondo A La Turk
Disco: 3
Karn Evil 9 1st Impression, Pt. 2
Touch And Go
From The Beginning
Bitches Crystal
Take A Pebble
Lucky Man
Tarkus / Pictures At An Exhibition
Fanfare For The Common Man / Rondo
Descripción del producto
Lista de canciones: 1. The Barbarian 2. Take A Pebble 3. Pictures At An Exhibition 4. Rondo 5. Nutrocker 6. Interview
Disco 2 1. Karn Evil 9 1st Impression, Part 2 2. Tarkus 3. Knife-Edge 4. Paper Blood 5. Romeo And Juliet 6. Creole Dance 7. Still... You Turn Me On 8. Lucky Man 9. Black Moon 10. Pirates 11. Fanfare For The Common Man / America / Blue Rondo A La Turk
Disco 3 1. Karn Evil 9 1st Impression, Part 2 2. Touch And Go 3. From The Beginning 4. Knife-Edge 5. Bitches Crystal 6. Take A Pebble 7. Lucky Man 8. Tarkus / Pictures At An Exhibition 9. Fanfare For The Common Man / Rondo
Detalles del producto
Descatalogado por el fabricante
Dimensiones del producto
12,98 x 1,04 x 12,98 cm; 95,25 g
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This collection consists of three live ELP albums that have become rather hard to find. Here they are together for a reasonable price. While it's not quite as great as WELCOME BACK MY FRIENDS TO THE SHOW THAT NEVER ENDS, however, these are well performed shows: one from their first public appearance at the Isle Of Wight and two from later in their career. Lots of great songs...a few repeats, but still great. You get such great songs as TARKUS, HOEDOWN, FROM THE BEGINNING, TAKE A PEBBLE, LUCKY MAN, STILL...YOU TURN ME ON, , PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION and more. The later recordings proove that ELP were still amazing after all those years.
Un album che consiglierei a chi conosce cosi' cosi ' gli EL&P , in effetti dalla loro prima esibizione all 'isola di Wight 1970 e successivamente fino ad arrivare al live in Poland ne passa di Suono...sotto i ponti, nella loro evoluzione compositiva e di funamboli strumentali! Sono stati un grande gruppo e hanno coniato non a caso uno Rock Sinfonico.Ultimamente c'e' stata la dipartita del grande Keith Emerson, bisogna quindi rendere omaggio a questo grande caposcuola.Un album da avere!!!
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