KOOKYE NodeMCU Lua Devkit IoT Starter Kit Based ESP8266 WiFi

KOOKYE NodeMCU Lua Devkit IoT Starter Kit Based on ESP8266 Support WiFi mqtt for Arduino IDE: This kit comes with NodeMCU micro controller board which is based on ESP8266, an enconimcal and powerful chip which supports wifi and IDE.

46.53 €

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This kit comes with NodeMCU micro controller board which is based on ESP8266, an enconimcal and powerful chip which supports wifi and IDE.

This kit is developed specially for those want to learn and play IoT ( Internet of things). In order to connect Things to Internet, for this kit, we uses a very popular and simple IOT protocol - MQTT which has many free open-source coding resources and mobile APP to help beginners to get started in an easy and economical way. Once you master MQTT, you can also buit a smarter home or something else.

The kit comes with a DVD instruction which includes free 17 sample lessons with detailed circuit graph, step-by-step tutorial, fully-tested sample codes and video which can save lots of your time and speed up your learning progress.

The kit is nicely packed in plastic box. This IOT programming learning starter kit includes more than 22 kinds of different electronic components items.

The kit can not only help students make many fancy projects in science fair, hackathon and homeworks, but also prepare the necessary knowledge base for their future career path in an interesting way

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Marca Osoyoo
Fabricante Easy house international hong kong limited
Grupo Producto Ordenador personal
Relacionado Electronica

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