Oostifun OJIN MoYu 2022 Super RS3M 3x3x3 Maglev Ball-Core

Oostifun OJIN MoYu 2022 Super RS3M 3x3x3 Maglev & Ball-Core Version Cube Cubing Classroom 2022 Super RS3M Dual System 3x3 Multi Color Cube Puzzle with One Cube Bag: 1.【LATEST UPGRADES】the super rs3m 3x3 is the latest upgrades Flagship of moyu, the earliest "rs3m 2020" and "rs3m 2021" have been well received by the majority of Cube lovers.

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1.【LATEST UPGRADES】the super rs3m 3x3 is the latest upgrades Flagship of moyu, the earliest "rs3m 2020" and "rs3m 2021" have been well received by the majority of Cube lovers.

2.【MAGLEV BALL CORE VERSION】 the moyu super rs3m 2022 Maglev ball - core Edition 2022 3x3 (maglev ball - core) es la versión última de la actualización, el sistema elástico Maglev con el sistema M axial, Let you Max your hand speed, esta es la definición del eje de la química con el cubo de la bandera maglev, su calidad ha sido verificada por el nivel de la bandera, se puede usar.d como la mayoría de las nuevas fuerzas Principales.

3.【ANTI POP FEET】experiencia de cubers de alta velocidad, diseño de Triangle en Corner pieces, con una interfaz adicional dentro del mecanismo, prevent pieces Power o jamming during High - speed turnings

4.【M POSITIONING SYSTEM】 easy Burst of speed, 78 M - A - G - N - E - T - S for ball - core vision, M - A - G - N - E - T - S are evenly distributed, Producting the most Sustainable magnatic feel.

5.【BALL-CORE POSITIONING】the ball Shift and the corner Block are Embedded with a M - A - G - N - E - t, so that the layers are attracted to each other by the M - A - G - N - E - I - C Force and rotate into place Rapidly

6.【M FORCE AROUND】el sistema de posición está constituido por 16 M - A - G - N - E - T - s, Achieving Quick Link - ups between layers, the Hand Feelings is amazing.

7.【M ATTRACTIONG AND REPULSION】 the Pole reversal happens, now with M - A - G - N - E - T - I - C repulsion the Cube has a 35 ° + "auto - homing" abitabilidad. Fuerzas conjuntas de los Corners y el núcleo de la pelota, Awakening the Power of speed.

8.【GREAT CORNER-CUTTING ABILITY】90 ° full Corner - cutting 55 ° Corner - cutting and 35 ° Reverse Corner - cutting.

9.【DRAGON SCALES】anti - Sticky Holes - under the Premise of standable turnings, Reducing a reasonable amount of internations to improve the Anti - Sticky ability.long with the Anti - Sticky Design Performance in an improved standable feel and put Sticky problem to an end.

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Marca Oostifun
Fabricante Foshanshioujingmaoyiyouxiangongsi
Grupo Producto Juguete

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