metaFox Emotions Cards How You Feel? 60 Pleasant unpleasant

metaFox Emotions Cards | How do You Feel? | 60 Pleasant & unpleasant Emotions & 8 Methods Cards: ❤️ Develop emotional intelligence in coaching & therapy – The 'How do you feel?' coaching cards help coaches, therapists, facilitators, and educators in developing the emotional intelligence of clients & participants in 1-on-1 sessions or workshops.

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❤️ Develop emotional intelligence in coaching & therapy – The 'How do you feel?' coaching cards help coaches, therapists, facilitators, and educators in developing the emotional intelligence of clients & participants in 1-on-1 sessions or workshops.

🗣 Help clients name feelings & build self-awareness – The emotion words in these coaching cards are carefully chosen for their usefulness in daily life. The paired image for each emotion word evokes or is associative with the feeling.

🤲 Practice the 4 aspects of emotional intelligence – Use the methods cards with step-by-step activities for your clients to practice self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

🧰 High-quality coaching cards perfect for your coaching or NVC toolkit – This card set has 30 pleasant & 30 unpleasant emotions cards, 8 methods cards, a booklet on emotional intelligence & more information about the cards. The emotions cards are color-coded based on the energy level of the emotion represented. Matte, rounded cards & compact packaging.

🌞 About us - metaFox develops simple & beautiful coaching tools to create a world embracing emotional intelligence. The 'How do you feel?' emotions cards aim to assist you in your coaching practice to help your clients understand their emotions better.

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